RealMag Blogger Template

11:22 PM
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Platform : Blogger/Blogspot
Template Name : RealMag Responsive Blogger Template
Added : 14 July 2014
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       RealMag is a modern, user-friendly and professional blogger template. It is clean and modern design for blogger users. It comes with several handy features that are both good to run a successful magazine blog, news blog or etc. It has several popular built-in widgets that means you don't have to install any external widget by yourself.
                             Blogger Template Real Mag is a magazine style modern theme.This is 3 column theme that has elegant design and ads optimized so that it will will affect the design of the blog.This is also seo optimized with many professional widgets.

How to Customize Feature Top Label:

To modify Feature top Label, go to >> Layout >> WHAT'S TRENDING? >> Edit, and paste the following code in the HTML Text box. Note: Replace "Featured" with your Label. Remember: The spelling should be accurate otherwise it would not work, even take care of upper and lower class letters.
<h2 class="feature-heading">Trending Articles From <b>Brand. Mag. Ux.<b></b></b></h2>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var numposts = 10;
var showpostthumbnails = true;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = false;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;
var showpostsummary = false;
var numchars = 280;
<script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/Featured?orderby=updated&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=labelthumbs"></script>
            templateism, Green, Free Premium, responsive, Adsense ready, SEO, Blogger Template 2014, Magazine, Elegant, Blogger Template 2014, Free Premium, Wordpress Look, White, Featured Content Slider, Red, SEO, Adsense ready, Personal, Photography,  .
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RealMag Blogger Template
RealMag Blogspot Template
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RealMag Blogger Theme
RealMag Blogspot Theme
RealMag B Theme
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Click Here :How to install a Blogger template