We started today about WordPress Tutorials For Beginners Series.This is my first post about WordPress.In this i Tell you How we add WordPress Plugin. WordPress is most used online tool.Plugins are tools which Provide additional Functionality to your application.You don't see Plugin tab in WordPress.com because it is free version and having some limitations.To gain this you need self hosted WordPress Plugin,.
Steps to Install WordPress Plugin
- Go to Wordpress Admin Panel
- Click Plugin and Add New(see Below Pic)
- Type the Plugin Name in Text area
- You search something a new window open (see pic)
- Choose your Plugin which you want to Install and click on Install Now
- New Window is open when you click on Install Now.Local Host says click yes and Proceed
- Click Ok Button and Your Plugin is download.You will see something like below pic
Click on Activate Plugin.Now You successfully Installed WordPress Plugin.Change Plugin setting according to your requirement that you needs.This setting is different for each plugin so do it yourself.
Installing Plugin Using Upload Method in WordPress Admin Panel
- Click on Plugin >> Add New >> Upload (see pic)
- Choose upload File (file must be zip file).After uploading Plugin you see this below pic
- click on Activate Plugin.Now you successfully installed WordPress.
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