How use meta Tags In Blogger

6:28 AM
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Hi Friends.Whats going on.Today I tell you how we add meta tags in Blogger.First I tell you the importance of Meta tags.Meta tags is another way in which search engine can index your Blog posts.Meta tags are the words or brief explanation placed in head area of template that give a brief description,Keywords,author name,author email address,language etc 

Google is not depending to use meta tags.But other search engines like yahoo,bing etc are used meta tags.Google mostly used title and first 25 word of Page Article,than meta tag Description.Below hoe we add meta tags with some basic tips for adding it.

How we add Meta Tags in Blogger?

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard >>  Template  >> Edit Template
  • Find The Below code.This code usually on the top .


  • Paste the following given code after find code  <head>

Meta Tag Description

  • Place keyword in Meta Tag Description 
  • Don't repeat keyword more than two times
  • Maximum 200 Characters
  • Use different Meta Tags for each page
  • should in form of sentence

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle &quot; Blogger Tricks,Tips And Tutorials &quot;' name='description'/>

Meta Tag Keywords

  • Don't repeat keyword sentence
  • You can repeat keyword up to three times in different keyword phrase.Example Blogger Tricks,Blogger widgets,blogger templates.the word Blogger repeats Three times in different phrases.
  • Use keyword that exist in Keyword and Title

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle &quot; Blogger Tricks,Blogger Ticks,Blogger Tutorials&quot;' name='keywords'/>

Additional Meta tags

<meta name="robots" content="selection">
<meta name="copyright" content="text">
<meta name="googlebot" content="noodp">  
<meta name="language" content="english">
<meta name="reply-to" content="email address">
<meta name="web_author" content="text">
<link rel=”author” href=”[YOUR PERSONAL G+ PROFILE HERE]“/>
I hope that you understand it.if any Query please comment below or send us message.Your comment will be apprecialbe for us. Happy Blogging