Platform : Blogger/Blogspot
Template Name : Gagism Responsive Blogger Template
Added : 5 March 2014
Licence : www.creativecommons.org
Author : KIKI DE
Maestro Blogger Template is the roads in the forum, eh nemu blogspot templates unique and futuristic sob ..... hehe template with this concept as I had never met.
Ok we just see how is the existing features in this template ....
- Features and Advantages:
- Design eccentric
- Responsive
- Valid HTML5
- Contrived as possible
- HTML5 Semantics majority (blogger.com layout supports gunsetc.)
- Thumbnail related post
- Error page
- Static page could come up with a neat (not disturbed readmore)
- There is no error in Google Structured Data Testing Tool (rich snippets)
- Heading dynamic tag
- SEO Score 100% chkme.com
pink, gallery, Photography, Portfolio, Free Premium, Wordpress Look, Blogger Template 2014, SEO, Adsense ready, Top Navigation Bar, Fixed width, Elegant, Fashion, Magazine, Elegant, Blogger Template 2014, Free Premium, Wordpress Look, White, Featured Content Slider, Red, SEO, Adsense ready, Personal, Photography.
Tags search:
Maestro Blogger Template
Maestro Blogspot Template
Maestro B Template
Maestro Blogger Theme
Maestro Blogspot Theme
Maestro B Theme
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Click Here :How to install a Blogger template