Platform : Blogger/Blogspot
Template Name : Flow Anarchyta Blogger Template
Added : 25 February 2014
Licence : www.creativecommons.org
Author Url :the-anarchyta.blogspot.com
Flow Anarchyta Blogger Template Valid Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 - Tonight I will share Free Templates for you all. Overall this template is similar to the one I use, on my homepage Post inspiration from BKI but here I use Javascript to create a thumbnail color.
The blogger theme flow anarchyta is a responsive blogspot template with valid CSS3 and HTML5.This template features 23 clumn layout,nice page navigation widget customized labels and popular posts and this is a free theme.
Search Widget on your input form following HTML ..
<div id='search'>To create a blog remains Valid HTML 5 and SEO 100% after you add this widget code to remove -> Edit HTML
<FORM action = '/ search' id = 'search-form' method = 'get' a target = '_top' >
<Input id = 'search-text' onfocus = " if ( this . value == this . defaultValue ) this . value = '' " value = "Search articel ...." onblur = " if ( this . values == '' ) this . value = this . defaultValue ; " name = 'q' type = 'text' />
</ Form>
</ Div>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>Maybe it's just enough to keep the Blog to stay Valid HTML 5 and SEO 100%. To shortages could follow .. Thank you for kunjungannyaa ..
Magazine, Elegant, Blogger Template 2014, Free Premium, Wordpress Look, White, Featured Content Slider, Red, SEO, Adsense ready, Personal, Photography, responsive, Business, gallery, Free Premium, Blogger Template 2014, 2 columns, Wordpress Look, Elegant, magazine, White.
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Flow Anarchyta Blogger Template
Flow Anarchyta Blogspot Template
Flow Anarchyta B Template
Flow Anarchyta Blogger Theme
Flow Anarchyta Blogspot Theme
Flow Anarchyta B Theme
PBT Team
Click Here :How to install a Blogger template