TechRoadies is a free blogger template best suited for tech, tricks and tips blog. It is clean and fresh blogger template for those user who want simple but an awesome design for there blog. Best thing about this template is that every post & widget are separated with a beautiful border with each other.
- 3 column footer: We have added beautiful 3 column footer to this theme, it will help you to add more widget to your blog footer with an awesome layout.
- Auto Read More: You don't need to insert jump break every time while writing a blog post, we have added a charming looking auto read more java plugin to this theme which will automatically arrange your post.
- Relates Post: Turn one visitor into multiple pageviews thanks to the related posts widget that shows readers more of the content they love. Related post widget will also help you in improving your blog bounce rate.
- Widget Less: We have added lot of awesome widget to this theme which will help you in many ways, Customize label cloud, elegant search box, popular post etc.
Click Here :How to install a Blogger template