Metro Classic Blogger Template

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Template Name: Metro Classic
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Release date : 10, May 2013
Author : templateism

Descriptions :
                          Metro Classic is an enhanced version of our previous Metro UI Blogger Template. Metro Classic is an old-school Windows 8 style Responsive Blogger template that is jam-packed with some tremendous features. This theme is ideal for blogging niche like technology, gadgets, reviews, news, personal, etc. it is also compatible with almost all leading browsers like Chrome, Firefox and internet explorer. The color scheme of this template is also adorable and eye-friendly. On the top of that, you get this template for absolutely free.
From the Design's Desk: 
                                 We hope this template would help you to get maximum out of your hard-work and inputs that you are putting in your content. Please do let us know about any improvement, or bug that you may have faced. We have tested it for almost a week, so we have it would not catch any bugs. What are your thoughts? Do let us know by commenting below.

Properties : Wordpress Look, 2 Column, 4 Column Footer, 1 Right Sidebar, Top Navigation Bar, Slideshow, Wordpress Look, Ads Ready, Responsive, Red, White, Gray 

Click Here :How to install a Blogger template