Blogger Template Experiment 2: Easy Minimalist Blogger Template

9:01 AM
--///quang cao tren bai viet ///----
I'm sharing another one of my favorite simple Blogger templates. I'm using a slightly different version of this right now on the main blog.

Demo | XML

I basically split the header on this template to add a place for a gadget next to it. You'll see it in the Layout page and you can place a rectangular ad, images or whatever you want.

For the demo of this template I uploaded an image for the header. You can download the image background here and just add your blog name to it using any photo editor.

To move the header to the right, you can edit the following code in HTML. Change the code in blue to switch the header-widgets. To fix the height and width, change the code in orange.

.header-left {
display: inline-block;
height: 120px;
width: 290px;
float: left;
.header-right {
 .header-right {

You can customize this template further using the Blogger Template Designer.

Don't forget to back up your templates first before uploading a new one!

Let me know if you need help with installation! ;)

9/10/2013 IMPORTANT: I uploaded an updated version of the XML file. I realized the old version had third party codes that are not supposed to be there. If you downloaded the old version, you'll need to use this new one! Sorry about that.