Use Search Bar to Find a code in Blogger

8:56 AM
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find code in blogger
This article is very useful for Blogger beginners.This is a tutorial about how to find specific code in  webPages/Blogs/Websites.You may see many Blogger Tutorials on internet for the purpose of designing or to add gadgets to your blog,for eg: if you need to add some meta tags  inside <head> section.
 You go to
Design->Edit HTML
look for <head>

find <head> and place meta tags inside it. But,

It is not easy to find a code manually.So Use Ctrl + F to find.

Look the below picture

  • Hold Ctrl on the keyboard and press F,(Ctrl+F is the shortcut to reach Find Bar in almost all browsers)
  • A Find Bar will display, Type the code you want to search.
  • At once that code will highlight on the Page/Blog
  • Then you can edit/delete/modify highlighted code.
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